InterpolationOrder->1 is because Interpolate only works for higher orders on regularly spaced grids. Now to interpolate it, flatten it down to just a list of points and interpolate: flatData = 1] You can view a plot of these like this to check things: ListLinePlot[ So trajectories] is the k-th coordinate (k=1 -> x, k=2 -> y, k=3 -> z) of the j-th point on the i-th curve. Note that all the Zi values should be the same for each curve. Try and arrange it into a 3D array where the first index is the curve number, the second index is the point along that curve and the third index is the coordinate. You want it in a particular shape when you get it loaded into Mathematica.
If you're stuck on that I can describe how to go about it. It's possible to do it in Mathematica, but it isn't the easiest thing to understand. You're on your own for that, but I recommend somehow coercing it into HDF5 format as it is nice. Having the numbers in quotes is a bit of a problem as well, since Mathematica will interpret those as strings. I'm not sure Mathematica can load data like that (at least not easily), you'll need to convert it into a format that it can read. First, I'll simulate your family of functions: f := Function I will start assuming you have formulas for the curves. So, if I understand it correctly from the picture, you have several curves of the form yi=fi(x) and you want a function that takes a value of x and gives you back all the yi's? I should now somehow fit a surface function to my data.Īs a result I should have this sd = f(age, height) and solve this for age, so I can plot the result in a 2D graph with those curves. I have now understood that as I have 3 points x,y and z (curve), this is actually a surface. The graph is represented as sd-value on y axis, age on the x axis and the curves represent height of child. These curves are standard child growth curves used to determine whether the height and weight are normal for that child and how these values develop. How could I create a function representing this huge data? I can plot this array and generate curves or I can read the standard deviation just like in the example. So the standard deviation for that height and age is 0.71. If I place some values to this array, I get Let's say curve is the height of a child, x is the age of the child and y is the standard deviation. When the graph is read, you find the spot on the x axis, then find the crossover with the curve on that spot and lastly read the result from the y axis. I have data that is represented with x and y axis, and a curve.